Save brand colours as shortcuts to speed up your workflow
Don’t waste time searching for hex codes or using a colour-picker, save your brand colours as text replacement shortcuts instead.
Don’t waste time searching for hex codes or using a colour-picker, save your brand colours as text replacement shortcuts instead.
Stop juggling tasks and prioritise like a pro.
There’s a ‘frog’ on your to-do list. Don’t let it win! Tackle it head-on.
Traditional to-do lists can be overwhelming, especially with ADHD. This simple Notion dashboard helps you stay on track without the stress.
We learned a lot about accessibility while researching this article—hopefully, it helps you too!
Like a spring clean for your business, a business process review will help you work smarter not harder.
Make your calendar work for you with practical tips to structure your day, avoid overwhelm, and stay on track — like time-blocking, and visual cues.
What the font do I need to make my project look good?
Keep track of what you own for insurance, documentation and peace of mind.
Some things I do to connect with the good in my life, and ideas for developing your own gratitude practice.