Monthly favourites — November 2022
It’s a real mixed bag this month: escapism, ADHD, leadership, living by our values, philosophising, and being real!
It’s a real mixed bag this month: escapism, ADHD, leadership, living by our values, philosophising, and being real!
This month we’re learning about the future of houseplants, beating the cost of living crunch, and reminding y’all to use a password manager (like 1Password).
Fashion reality TV, entrepreneur interviews, life admin hacks, free audiobooks, psychotherapy and just saying no — these are some of the things floating our boat right now!
Home organisation, imposter syndrome, Notion, stretches, and how-to videos… these are a few of our favourite things this month!
It’s been a while *checks notes*… yes two years since the last one of these, but let’s just blame the panini and give it another whirl.
It’s been… quite a year. In amongst all the doom and darkness, here are a couple of things Jess has been digging that you might too.
How is it almost Christmas? Did November even happen? Just a tidy two tidbits for you today…
Here are some things that we’ve been enjoying during this seasonal transition.
September swept by, spring sprung in and here are a few things that caught our attention.
The process we followed to develop our branding and how it played out, including a free creative brief template for your next branding project.