How to setup a film and TV watchlist in Notion
How I use Notion to manage our household film and TV watchlist, as a curated subset what’s relevant, as opposed to being governed by algorithms.
How I use Notion to manage our household film and TV watchlist, as a curated subset what’s relevant, as opposed to being governed by algorithms.
How I use the Notes app on my iPhone alongside Notion on my computer to keep track of blog post ideas.
Data security is a hot topic right now! Here’s how you can protect yourself from hackers, and minimise impacts of a data breach.
2FA (two-factor authentication) is my BFF and should be yours too, IYKWIMAITYD.
A peek behind the magic curtain, at the sourcery that is our feature image creation process.
For those who prefer watching over reading, we got you: Producing Paradise has its very own YouTube channel!
This is how to quickly batch resize images using the built-in Automator app on a Mac.
This is how I use Siri as my very own personal assistant, including the basic features and the ones I use the most.
This is how I use the Momentum Chrome extension to hone focus each day, and how this works alongside my personal dashboard in Notion.
Creating a Google Slides theme lets you easily reuse the same font, layout and colour styling on every new slide deck. Here’s how you do it!