On restarting old projects with thanks to new inspiration.

A duotoned dark purple and beige version of the Apple heart emoji upside down, in front of a blue triangle across the top right corner
🎧How to write a book (podcast)
🎒How to (re)start a YouTube channel

Listening to 🎧

‘How to write a book’ (podclass)

Jess: I started writing a book a while back (using Notion to manage the content, natch) but the project went cold. I’m listening to this ‘podclass’ series How To Write a Book in an attempt to get re-inspired!

“Just where do ideas for books come from? How do you know if they’re any good, or even if they’re right for you to pursue? Our expert podclass provides answers to all of this – and even a lesson in how to know when your idea might be ready to send to an agent.”

Podcast hero image for How to write a book

Learning 🎒

How to (re)start a YouTube channel

Jess: I started filming how-to videos and sharing them on YouTube in mid-2022 then life got in the way… againnn. Projects feel harder the longer you’ve left them alone for and it had been a whole dang year since I made the last video, but I finally ripped that bandaid and filmed one last week (about my process for setting up a new laptop). Pew pew pew 👊

I’ve been back on Ali Abdaal’s channel for inspiration, and did his free Part-Time YouTuber Crash Course too — the tl;dr is just to make stuff, even if it’s “bad”!

One of Ali Abdaal’s latest YouTube advice videos (25mins)

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