Save brand colours as shortcuts to speed up your workflow
Don’t waste time searching for hex codes or using a colour-picker, save your brand colours as text replacement shortcuts instead.
Don’t waste time searching for hex codes or using a colour-picker, save your brand colours as text replacement shortcuts instead.
Make the most of Apple Podcasts by honing the listening list, so it becomes a personal radio station!
How I use the Notes app on my iPhone alongside Notion on my computer to keep track of blog post ideas.
2FA (two-factor authentication) is my BFF and should be yours too, IYKWIMAITYD.
This is how I use Siri as my very own personal assistant, including the basic features and the ones I use the most.
Or in other words: how to stop clogging up your phone storage with photos, by taking them off your phone and putting them in Dropbox (cloud file hosting).
We turned off phone notifications to see what would happen and —spoiler alert— we’re keeping them off. Find out why you might turn notifications off too.