by Aimee Cowie | Workflows
No one could have envisioned they’d still be a remote workplace eight months on. No one knows what the new world of work is going to look like. Use this checklist to build your digital toolbox to manage your remote team.
by Aimee Cowie | Workflows
A quick overview on Waterfall and Agile project management approaches. What makes them different and what will work best for you.
by Aimee Cowie | Workflows
Tips on how to make agile project management work for you.
by Aimee Cowie | Self-improvement, Workflows
Approaches to ensure you’re communicating clearly and efficiently in a digital workplace setting.
by Lilith Palmer | Self-improvement
Too bad I thought of it.
by Aimee Cowie | Workflows
My five non-negotiables at the end of the working day.
by Jess Allison | Self-improvement
You know, we like, produce things… digitally.
by Aimee Cowie | Workflows
A look at to do approaches and what works best for my current self.