Don’t waste time searching for hex codes or using a colour-picker, save your brand colours as text replacement shortcuts instead.

A duotoned dark purple and beige version of the Apple high voltage emoji, in front of a blue horizontal striped background

Summary: Save time and avoid searching for hex codes by using your device’s text replacement feature. Set shortcuts like @pink to auto-expand into #ffb8e6 whenever you type.

The text replacement shortcut trick

If you regularly use your brand colours in design apps, emails, or documents, remembering hex codes is a hassle. Instead of copying and pasting every time, text replacement lets you type a simple shortcut, and your device will automatically insert the full hex code.

For example, we use the following shortcuts:

  • @pink#ffb8e6
  • @lightblue#ade7ff
  • @blue#6791cb
  • @green#78fdc9
  • @purple#260d36
  • @cream#fffce1

…so when I type @pink it auto-expands into #ffb8e6 instead. Nifty!

Just make sure you don’t use a shortcut that you might inadvertently type (that’s what the @- symbol at the front is helping with) 😉

iPhone text replacement demo list
Our shortcut list on an iPhone
Screenshot of the Producing Paradise style guide showing logo, profile image, favicon, colours and fonts
Our style guide with brand colour hex codes

How to set it up

Here’s the video demo:

On Mac (macOS)

  1. Open System Settings > Keyboard > Text Replacements.
  2. Click the + button.
  3. Under Replace, enter your shortcut (eg. @pink).
  4. Under With, enter the hex code (eg. #ffb8e6).
  5. Close the window to save.

Pro-tip: these text replacement shortcuts will automatically be available on any other devices where you’re logged in with the same Apple ID, providing you have iCloud turned on ✨

On iPhone/iPad (iOS)

  1. Open Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement.
  2. Tap the + button.
  3. In Phrase, enter your hex code (eg. #ffb8e6).
  4. In Shortcut, enter an easy-to-remember trigger (eg. @pink).
  5. Tap Save.
iPhone text replacement input screen
The text replacement input screen

Pro-tip: you can copy and paste between iPhone and computer if you’re logged in with the same Apple ID ✨

On Windows (via AutoHotkey or Clipboard Managers)

Windows doesn’t have built-in text replacement, but you can use a tool like AutoHotkey or a clipboard manager.

Bonus: use for other brand assets too

This trick isn’t just for hex codes! You can use text replacement for brand taglines, website URLs, phone numbers, email addresses, or social media handles to speed up your workflow.

Do you use text replacement shortcuts? What else can they help with?